The City of Tumwater, in conjunction with the Tumwater School District, will once again be coordinating a Holiday Assistance Program to provide gifts to children in the Tumwater School District.
The City has been helping families in Tumwater for many years. The main focus of the program is to provide at least one new toy or gift to a child that might not otherwise receive one, plus a holiday meal for the family in the form of a grocery store gift certificate (funds permitting).
Applications for assistance are available at Tumwater City Hall or through the school counselor. The completed application must be returned in person to City Hall where a brief review is made to complete any missing information and answer any questions. There is coordination with other assistance organizations, such as The Salvation Army, to avoid duplication of services. Individual citizens and/or groups then pick up tags with specific toy/gift requests and return them unwrapped to City Hall where City staff volunteers collect and sort them. Non-specific toys are also donated and distributed. A representative of the family comes to City Hall where they pick up bags concealing the unwrapped toys, plus a grocery certificate. The City also supplies each family with gift wrap, tags and tape so the parents can feel part of the gift-giving.
Here’s the part where you or your group help make this program a success:
1) Donate new unwrapped toys – pick up a specific request or bring in any new toy;
2) Adopt a family. We provide you the information and gift request(s) for a family and you contact them directly;
3) Have a fund-raiser or toy drive and donate the toys or money to the program (the Committee uses money donations to fill special requests if a tag is not taken and to buy grocery certificates).
The following is the time line we have established for the program this year:
- Applications - available beginning 11/03/08; due back no later than 11/26/08.
- Specific toy/gift tags - available by 12/01/08; to be returned unwrapped to City Hall no later than 12/12/08.
- Non-specific donations will be accepted through 12/12/08.The City will distribute the toys and gifts to families on 12/15/08.
- Questions? Please call (360) 754-4128, leave your name and number and someone will get back to you quickly.
ADOPT A FAMILY INFORMATION - We prefer to have this form emailed to: Meeting_Rooms@ci.tumwater.wa.us. If that is not possible, it can be mailed to Hanna Miles, Administration Dept, City of Tumwater, 555 Israel Rd. SW, Tumwater, WA 98501
APPLICATIONS FOR ASSISTANCE - This form must be printed and mailed to the Administration Dept.