Feeling helpless, lonely and depressed? I've got just the right "medicine"
for you! Empower yourself and reach out and change a little child's life.
Best of all you can afford it because it is free to you! All You have to do is click
a button each day to help sponsor a child!
Welcome to Care2.com's Race for Children in Need! The Race for Children in Need is a quick, easy way to help our needy children with a simple point and click. The race is 100% free to you!
Care2's Race for Children in Need generates funding from corporate race sponsors to help meet the basic physical, emotional and educational needs of 14 children that Care2 has committed to sponsor for the year. Each of Care2's member clicks help generate this funding. It take 18,000 clicks to support each child for 30 days. If we can increase the number of our daily clicks, we will increase the number of children we can support each month. To start off the race, we will support the 14 children from Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala & the Philippines. By the end of 2004, we hope to double that number. We need your help to do it!
(free) click here to help a child now!