It's easy to get small gifts and stocking stuffers absolutely free! Many 100% free samples and products are available online for the asking! The Web is like a free cafeteria: it's all there free, you just have to go get it! You don't need a credit card or social security number and you don't have to buy anything! If you click to order a free sample and are asked to "participate" just back out and go on to the next one. I get free Food, Music CD's,T Shirts,tools,spices,make up,shampoo,laundry detergent and so much more completely free. With Christmas coming I want to share how I do this in hopes it will help your Christmas!
It's easy to find the 100% free goodies on the internet. Search for these terms "freebies","free sample request form","free stuff","100% freebies" note* I also visit the sweepstakes sites and enter the online sweepstakes: it's a great way to get free coupons and shopping discounts along with very cool smaller prizes from Wii's to free music.
I have been getting these freebies for many years and they really help at Christmas time! You can stuff stockings with free posters,health bars,Christmas music CD's and more! There are many free items for Pets and babies. Free Nasa Posters make great stocking stuffers, and there are tons of free educational materials given by Government sites such as the EPA for kids and teens. Moms can get free formula, diapers, sippy cups, bibs and fantastic coupons from sites like Pampers.com and Enfamil.com. Pet food companies offer treats, cans and bags of free pet food! And it's really free...you simply fill out the online form and click submit...and the item shows up in your regular mail!
I hope you will all enjoy "shopping" for free as much as I do. You could sit and order great freebies day after day and never be able to order them all! Your mailman will think you hit the lotto.
Tips and Warnings
# search Google for "freebies"
# Wal-mart (online) has great freebies that arrive quickly and change often
# visit online fast food and grocery chains for online freebies and discounts
# find a few good freebies and instant online sweepstakes sites and SUBSCRIBE
# to their free newsletters to keep your inbox full of freebies
# order all the laundry detergent and fabric softener freebies to cut down on laundry costs
# Do not give out your credit card info or social security number for a freebie!
# Good legitimate freebies don't even ask!
# Do not "participate" (usually require you to buy stuff with your credit card to get a big freebie)-Don't do it!
# Do not pay postage or shipping /handling
# only fill in the forms for 100% free stuff
I have a few sites to get you started! I use these!
Click the green name of each site
to order all the free stuff you want!
Freebie Finder finds freebies! It is an automated free stuff aggregator. It is designed it to collect free stuff offers from top freebie sites, while filtering out most scams and referral pyramids. Your feedback on freebies is used to improve the listings, and your suggestions are always appreciated. Remember to bookmark this site, because it updates every few hours! -------------------------------------------------------------
Pumpkins- BabyLand , All of the items that we list are absolutely FREE. There is no cost to you. There are NO items with S&H Fees, No SASEs and No Purchases are Required. Newest Offers are Always Added to the Top of Each List. Expired Offers are Deleted. Please tell us of any expired offers or bad links. We will promptly fix or remove them. -----------------------------------------------------------
TheFreeSite.com: Christmas Freebies , Happy holidays! You've found the Web's top collection of yuletide freebies, including gifts, samples, digital holiday cards, freebies for children, and free Christmas software. We also offer such goodies as free services that'll make sure a child's letter gets to Santa, as well as free Christmas clip art, games and contests.