posted Nov/10/2008 2:31 PM · PRN
Features International Women Activists Who Challenge Religious,
Political and Cultural Biases
Yanar Mohammed, Sapana Pradhan Malla and
Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian to Receive
Prestigious Gruber Women's Rights Prize and its $500,000 Award
at Columbia Law School on November 11, 2008
NEW YORK, Nov. 10 /PRNewswire/ -- Hailing from some of the world's major hotspots, four of our most dynamic women leaders will come together tomorrow in New York for a highly unusual forum on peace. The group will focus on important issues that are not generally mentioned in post-conflict talks, such as the measurements used by women in defining peace, how women can change the political debate and how they can interpose their voices in the discussion.
Moderating the panel discussion will be Zainab Salbi, founder and CEO of Women for Women International, who is originally from Iraq. Panelists are the 2008 Gruber Foundation Women's Rights Prize recipients: Yanar Mohammed, co-founder of Organization of Women's Freedom in Iraq, who succeeded in protecting numerous Iraqi women threatened by domestic abuse and what are termed honor killings; Sapana Pradhan Malla, a practicing Nepali lawyer and member of Nepal's Constituent Assembly, who has been a leader in advocating legal reforms that have extended gender equality in many areas; and Nadera Shalhoub-Kevorkian, a leading feminist scholar, therapist and activist who has worked to end domestic violence against Palestinian women, particularly in what have been referred to as honor killings.
The Peter and Patricia Gruber Foundation will present Ms. Mohammed, Ms. Pradhan Malla and Dr. Shalhoub-Kevorkian with its 2008 Women's Right Prize - an unrestricted $500,000 (US) award to be shared equally by the recipients. The panel discussion will immediately follow the Prize ceremony on November 11, 2008, at Columbia Law School.