Educational Links
Web Cameras
ADF&G Classroom Salmon Egg Incubation ProgramMuseums and Aquariums
Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition - Ocean PlanetFeatures a Smithsonian exhibit on the world's oceans. Visitors can see an overview of the exhibition, find lessons and marine science activities, and read a final report documenting the educational impact of the undertaking.
Smithsonian Institution - Science and TechnologyOffers 11 lesson plans for Grades 3-8 on minerals and gems, Ben Franklin, spiders, archaeology, oceans, pollination, reptiles and amphibians, and more.
American Museum of Natural HistoryAMNH - OLogy
The Museum's Web site for kids, at home, or at school; whenever and wherever kids are curious. At OLogy, kids can play games, meet scientists, collect Ology cards, and read stories as they dig into topics that interest them, from paleontology to astronomy to genetics.
AMNH - Rescources for LearningExplore our extensive collection of scientific and educational materials. Browse this online catalog to find resources such as profiles, lesson plans, interactives, videos, and essays. The resources are organized and searchable by topic-such as astronomy, earth science, biology, paleontology, and anthropology.
AMNH - Black Smokers at Juan de Fuca RidgeEverything you ever wanted to know about black smokers and the animals that live there
Monterey Bay Aquarium- Kids Section
- Activities and Games
- Aquarium Careers
- Discover Diving
- Live Web Cams
- Video Library
- Student Oceanography Club
- Aquarium Adventures Programs
Ocean Explorer- Lesson Plans
- Multimedia Learning Objects
- Curriculum
- Professional Development
- Education Alliances
- Ocean Explorer CD-ROM
- OceanAGE Careers
- CoRIS Glossary
- Ocean Challenge Puzzle
Provides 165 lesson plans developed to bring entire classrooms "on board" for exploration and discovery. Topics include deep-sea hydrothermal vents and their spectacular animal communities, benthic creatures of the Northern Gulf of Mexico (one of Earth's most geologically complex regions), seafloor methane, unexplored deep reef habitats off the Carolinas, the Titanic, and the mystery of the Steamship Portland (lost in a 1898 storm off New England).
International Year of the Ocean -- Kid's & Teacher's ResourcesOffers information about oceanography, meteorology, resource conservation, and marine biology. Links are provided to information about coral reefs, threatened and endangered species, and educational programs such as GLOBE, where students and teachers collect data that is used by scientists and researchers, and Adopt A Buoy, where National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration measurement equipment can be brought into the classroom.
National Marine SanctuaryProvides information about our nation's marine sanctuaries -- how they were established, how they're managed, their scientific and educational programs, and events that occur in them throughout the year. Within the 13 sites are a range of creatures, habitats, historical artifacts, and flourishing maritime cultures.
NeMO ExplorerAllows students to explore a seafloor observatory geographically or by topic. Learn about seafloor animals, hydrothermal vents, mid-ocean ridges, axial volcano, lava flow, and technology and tools. Operate (remotely) a vehicle that takes you to the seafloor near an active submarine volcano. Explore black smoker vents, new lava flows, and unusual life forms.
The New Millenium Observatory (NeMO)Which studies interactions between submarine volcanic activity and seafloor hotsprings, offers a unit called "The Case of the Missing Rumbleometer." High school and middle school students learn about locating the epicenter of an earthquake, calculating the distance to the epicenter from hydrophones (underwater microphones), identifying evidence of a lava eruption, detecting a hydrothermal vent, estimating the age of lava based on animal species in the area, and more.
Sustainable Seas ExpeditionsFocuses on exploration and discovery, scientific research, cutting edge underwater technologies, and public awareness of the marine environment. Visitors will find high-quality marine science teaching materials (linked to national standards), a multifaceted approach to teacher professional development, fascinating educational opportunities for students, and much more.
Paleoclimatology Slide SetsView slideshows of various topsics on paleoclimates. Appropriate for college level audiences.
National Science Foundataion (NSF)
Digital Library for Earth System EducationIs a geoscience community resource that supports teaching and learning about the Earth system. Find thousands of reviewed resources on topics that include atmospheric science, biology, chemistry, climatology, cryology, ecology, environmental science, forestry, geography, geology, mineralogy and petrology, hydrology, mathematics, natural hazards, ocean sciences, physics, soil science, and space science.
Oceans AliveExplores the mountains, abysses, and other physical features of the ocean floor, as well as the movement of the continents, the water cycle, the four oceans, waves and wind, currents, tides, marine life near the surface, and ocean predators and prey. Activities are provided for learning about the water cycle, water currents, web of life, and tides.
Teach the EarthOffers hundreds of teaching activities, visualizations, and resources for teaching earth science. Categories include biosphere, climate change, energy/material cycles, geology and human health, geochemistry, hydrosphere and cryosphere, mineralogy, ocean systems, petrology, solar system, and earth history. Special sections are provided on using data and teaching quantitative skills.
National Science Teacher's Association (NSTA)Teaching resources and more.
University and Institutions:
The COOLroomRutgers University Coastal Ocean Observation Lab, Institute of Marine and Coastal Sciences
Outreach materials for fisherman, boaters,sailors,swimmers,surfers and divers
he folks at Rutgers Marine and Coastal Sciences have built a special website for you and your teachers so that you can join the scientists in the COOLroom as they explore the waters off New Jersey. Learn how to predict if it will be a good beach day or if the fish are running. See for yourself what the ocean looks like from 500 miles above the earth and 15 meters below the surface.
SCCOOS-Scripps- Forces of Nature: Southern California WeatherWoods Hole Oceanographic Institution
- WHOI Polar Discovery
Explore polar science with information and activities
- WHOI Dive and Discover: Expeditions to the SeafloorTake a virtual tour with Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, the place which pioneered trips to hydrothermal vents in its deep sea submersible, Alvin.
- Guaymas Basin - Gulf of California
- East Pacific Rise
- East Pacific Rise 2
- Indian Ocean
- Galapagos Islands
- Galapagos Rift
- New England Seamounts
- Juan de Fuca Ridge
- Galapagos Rift 2
- Antarctica
- Antarctica
- Antarctic Ecosystem
- Deep Ocean Circulation
- Earth's Anatomy
- History of the Earth
- History of Oceanography
- Hydrothermal Vents
- Ice Ages
- Mid Ocean Ridges
- Oceanographic Tools
- Plate Tectonics
- Vent Biology
- Hot Topics
- Interviews
Harbor Branch Oceanographic Institution
- Aquaculture research
- Marine Mammal research
- Marine Biomedical research
- Marine Science
- Ocean Engineering
American Cetacean Society- ACS Cetacean Curriculum A teacher's guide to introducing and using whales, dolphins, & porpoises in the classroom
- ACS Cetacean Fact Packs The American Cetacean Society has prepared Whale and Dolphin Fact Packs that contain concise information about selected whales and dolphins on Fact Sheets. Each Sheet provides information on one species, including distribution map, feeding, natural history, current status, physical description, biology and behavior. Experts in the fields of marine biology and marine mammal research have reviewed all Fact Sheets for accuracy.
- ACS Educational Outreach ProgramsEducating young and old about the plight of our cetaceans is extremely important and is one of the core missions of the American Cetacean Society.
How Stuff Works - Earth Science- How Global Warming Works
- How Hurricanes Work
- How Rip Currents Work
- How the Earth Works
- How Tsunamis Work
- How the Georgia Aquarium Works
- ShorelinesLearn about sandy shores, barrier islands, rocky shores, tide pools, estuaries, salt marches, mud flats, mangrove forests, tides, waves, currents, and shoreline animals.
- Temperate Oceans Learn about zonation, forests, patterns, Atlantic and Pacific Ocean, Food from the Sea, Dolphin Safe Tuna? and Ocean Animals.
- Tropical Oceans Learn about coral reefs, and tropical ocean animals.
Profiles careers in the oceanography and marine related fields.
Office of Naval Research - Oceanography: A Science and Technology Focus SiteExplores ocean habitats, regions, and more. Learn how waves are created and where hydrothermal vents are found, or conduct one of the site's experiments to find out why big ships don't sink.
Fisheries and Aquatic ResourcesOffers information about managed fish populations throughout the U.S., as well as watershed-based data and state-by-state fishing resources. Learn about freshwater and marine fishes, aquatic invertebrates, water quality and habitats, and dams and fish passage. Fishbase, a global database, provides names, pictures, and key facts about more than 25,000 fish species.
NASA OceanographyProvides online field trips, information about ocean phenomena (such as phytoplankton, carbon, and reefs), remote sensing tools for monitoring ocean changes, and more. This website is based on NASA research and satellite missions focused on global ocean science.
Project OceanographyDescribes a marine science education program produced by the University of South Florida. It consists of weekly live television broadcasts to middle school students designed to enhance science education in middle schools and to contribute to staff development of science educators. (Multiple Agencies)
Ocean World LinksLinks to web tutorials, online museums, teacher rescources, professional organizations, government agencies and more